Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Latest Work Coming To Ohio

I'm bringing my new exhibit, Natural Resonance, to Ohio for the first time. This is my first exhibit of new work in four years! (You may recall that I lost all of my previous exhibit prints in a flood several years ago.) I'll be showing at Willoughby Hills Comunity Center, along with painter David Shimmerer, from January 7 thru January 31, 2011.

There will a public reception on Friday, January 7 from 7-9 PM. Please try and come out. I'm really excited about this new show!

For more details contact John Davis at

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cleveland Botanical Garden Fall Workshop

Leaf drop at CBG

It's always a pleasure to teach at Cleveland Botanical Garden. This fall was no exception as colors the weekend of my workshop were peaking. I had a great group, very eager to try new things. And this year it wasn't raining. That's a first!

Afterwards I was able to take a special friend, who had never visited Cleveland, on a tour of the place. I was very proud as everything about CBG looked perfect on that day.

If you've never been to CBG you should really check into it. This is the type of place that many cities just don't have. Another jewel in Cleveland's crown.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

An Awesome Retreat Experience

Some tamaracks near Raquette Lake

Words don't adequately express the depth of experience I felt during this past week's Nature of Possibility retreat. Afterward Mark Bowie and I were both exhausted by the hard work but so positively energized. I can say without exaggeration that we've never had a better group to work with at any of the API events. Everyone was so talented, open-minded and willing to share. This was one of those times that makes me so proud of what the Institute has accomplished, and excited to see just how far we can go.

The best part was that Mark and I were participants, instead of just leaders and instructors as we are in the standard workshops. It was really fun to be out there every morning shooting with everyone, and making prints in the afternoon to hang on our Wall of Expression.

The retreat gang and our Wall of Expression

This has turned out to be a transitional year for me. I really didn't do a lot of shooting in the Adirondacks this summer/fall. At least not as much as I usually do. It's been all about waiting patiently for my next move to make itself apparent, but there's no better place to do that than up here.

I wrote this piece as my final essay of the retreat. The retreat was ending. The leaves are falling. Everything is in transition. I am in transition. Cycles end and will begin again.

Beauty at the End

The largest tree cries tiny raindrops
While the loon lays bare its despair on the darkness.
The wind moans of regret in the ancient tongue
Of a long forgotten land.

Ours is a shared loneliness
Staggering in its depth
As the wellspring.

I know you.
I don’t know me
Although there are clues I guess.
And while yours shines indifferently
Mine remains alone and locked away.

Life rains down.
There is memory in the song.
The howl washes all away.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally A Real Fall Day

It's been windy and/or raining seemingly forever up here. Today was the first of what I would call a typical fall day in the Adirondacks. As the shooting conditions have been subpar for a long time, I was really excited to get up this morning and head out into the field.

The colors are pretty conspicuous now, and I've always wanted to spend some time working with the areas of the highway that were blasted out of rock way back when. There's some really interesting patterns in the rock, and usually some interesting little trees, bushes and that sort of thing that get really pretty in the fall. This spot reminds of the face of an old waterfall, for some reason.

I wanted an ethereal look, so an image overlay (Nikon users may enter here!) seemed appropriate.

Can't wait to see what it's like out there tomorrow...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One To Remember

Day 3 of my fall shoot-out. I could tell when I stepped outside that conditions were potentially great for shooting over open water. I was expecting frost this morning, as that was the forecast as of last night. But the low temps never materialized because of the cloud cover. (To an Adirondacker 41 deg. isn't a low temp!) There was some high altitude cloud cover, with quite a number of openings. I passed on my previous plans and decided to go find some inspiration at Raquette Lake.

A Raquette Lake Morning

There was about a 15 minute window of rapidly changing conditions. I've never seen things change that quickly and drastically over such a short period of time. I missed numerous opportunities because of it, but I am very pleased with the few shots I pulled off. Raquette never stops calling me, and never stops amazing me.

The photo above was a gift to me. I share it here as a gift to someone special. You know who you are...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Starting My Photo Fall

This is the time of year that I eagerly await. The mornings are much cooler than even two weeks ago. The tourists are gone for the most part. Bugs are a distant memory. And the fall colors are starting to show themselves.

Eighth Lake Morning

I started my annual photo fall this morning at Eighth Lake, which I have rarely photographed in the past. I don't usually frequent the state campgrounds, because there's just too much activity for the type of shooting that I like to do, but I figured I'd give it a try.

It looked to me like there would be heavy fog to start things off, but this changed very quickly with the arrival of a small front. What I eventually got was a spectacular cloud display over a very still Eighth Lake. A great way to start my shooting this season!

All the while a middle-aged man and his father worked on the shore to get their boat ready for a morning of fishing. It seemed like it took then an awfully long time to finally get going, but then I realized that it wasn't about the fishing. At that moment I realized that I'd gladly leave all my camera gear on the shore and walk away if I could have another opportunity to go fishing with my Dad.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Taking The Show On The Road - Adirondack Cafe

Me & Felicity at Adirondack Cafe

I just got done hanging most of my Natural Resonance pieces at Adirondack Cafe. Thanks to Felicity, the proprietor, for suggesting this idea to me. The prints will be up thru Columbus Day. Somewhere in there we hope to have a little meet & greet, so stay tuned.

Adirondack Cafe is right next door to the T.O.W. Bar on Main St. in Old Forge. While you're there, I suggest trying the Blackened Chicken with Bacon, Brie & Herbed Red Peppers on a Roll. Amazing...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm In Adirondack Life This Month

Fresh off the press...

If you haven't yet, pick up a copy of the September/October issue of Adirondack Life magazine. Beginning on page 34 you will find a sampling of my new work under the title "Totally Radigan: A new twist on nature photography".

I'm excited that the magazine was open-minded about the possibility of publishing work that is outside the realm of traditional landscape photography. I thank them for the nice layout and thoughtful text!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I spent a lot of time early this morning sitting behind the Woods Inn on Fourth Lake. The lake was perfectly still in the blackness, with tons of stars overhead. The only sound was that of a single cricket, every once in awhile. No cars. No boats. No lawn mowers.

I found myself wondering whether that cricket was lonely. I most certainly was not...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How My Day Began

This is how my day began...

It was great fun being able to spend some time photographing with my friend Danielle, who was so kind as to bring her family up from Long Island to see my exhibit on its final day. Danielle has taken several of my company's photo workshops, and it's always been great having her around. She took the best spider web picture I've ever seen!

This full moon in the fog lasted about two minutes then disappeared. Adirondack mornings just don't get any better than this!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Changing Times And A Reminder

This morning showed the first subtle signs of the changing season. The absence of the more annoying bugs during my daily walk. The fragrances slightly different. A little chilly with the kind of sky that just says fall. Maybe I was just imagining it...

Just a reminder...

If you've not seen my exhibit in Blue Mt. Lake yet, please try and do so. There are only nine days left! And don't forget the reception taking place from 6-8 pm on Saturday, August 21. I'm really looking forward to catching up with some old friends and meeting some new ones. I will have posters with me and for sale. I'd be happy to sign one for you!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brief Intermission

Time to head out for a couple of days. Take care of a couple of things back home, load up my workshop box, get back here so fast I forget that I left.

I've seen and learned lots during this trip. I guess that never ends.

It amazes me that I'd be so subdued just thinking about leaving, even though I know I'll be back in a couple of days.

Last night's sky was so beautiful. The starts were uncountable even just back of the hotel, with its permament glow. I shot a few frames just for the memory. Next time I see a sky like this I'm going to head somewhere really dark! Then I'll try and get lost in the memories of the Adirondack skies of my childhood.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Taking the Show to Santa Fe

Just got some big news!

In addtion to my work for API, beginning in 2011 I will be leading workshops for Santa Fe Workshops! I'm really excited to bring new people to the Adirondacks, as well as present some of my ideas in Santa Fe.

Next year's offerings will be The Adirondacks in Color: The Intimate Image taking place in Inlet, NY, and Intimate Expression, which will take place in Santa Fe. Keep your eyes on the SFW calendar for the details.

I hope to see some of you at these events!

Night Shooting Fun

I haven't spent much time over the years doing night photography, although I've always enjoyed looking at other people's work. Well, this week I'm a participant in Mark Bowie's workshop for API, Photographing the Night Landscape, which is taking place in Inlet, NY. It's great to be shooting with everyone instead of worrying about all the little details of the workshop. I think I'll attend my company's workshops more often!

This is one of my images from the first evening in Raquette Lake. We had great conditions; few bugs, warm temperature, mostly clear sky. I'm so used to being on this bridge when it's a lot colder, this was like a trip to the beach.

All-in-all, it seems like everyone is having a great time! And I can't wait to keep working on my night photography as the seaason progresses...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My New Exhibit Opens In Blue Mt. Lake

The day has finally arrived! My brand new exhibit of recent Adirondack work, Natural Resonance, opened this morning at Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts in Blue Mountain Lake, NY. The exhibit consists of twenty-two images, twenty of which are one-of-a-kind prints on Hahnemuhle watercolor stock. The other two are open-edition prints specially framed in tiger maple by Jim Kiefer of Shelter  in Old Forge.

There will be a reception on Saturday, August 21, the last day of the show, from 6-8 pm. See the art center's website for gallery hours and other info.

I was there this morning first-thing to see the exhibit and snap a few photos for the blog. I am very pleased with everything! Thanks to Cornelia Tobey of the arts center for doing a wonderful job of hanging the artworks, Jim Kiefer for the amazing framing job, and especially to Dee and George Merrill whose financial support made the show possible.

Please try and come out...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Inlet Retrospective

I had an awesome weekend in Inlet! I had the great pleasure of working with my friend and colleague Eric Dresser, wildlife photographer and one of the staff instructors for my company, Adirondack Photography Institute. There were some awesome opportunities to work with songbirds of all types, common loons, and even a big bear (I was the tracker on that adventure).

My thoughts on the experience are best expressed through the words of another:

    Let me know your enormity and my tininess,
    Help me see your infinity and my finiteness

    (Mike Doughty from Haughty Melodic)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Exclusive Adirondack Gallery Representation

I am now in partnership with Shelter, a custom furniture maker and gallery in Old Forge, New York. Shelter is now the exclusive dealer of my artworks in the Adirondacks. Shelter specializes in serving the home decorating needs of high-end clientele.

Jim Kiefer, owner, is a very talented woodworker known for his custom furnishings. Purchasing my artwork from Shelter gives the customer access to Jim's talents as a framer. He makes beautiful custom rustic frames, as well as contemporary frames designed with exotic hardwoods. The combination is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of artwork display. I've never seen my artwork look better!

Shelter is located on Rt. 28 in Old Forge. They can be reached at (315) 369-5014 or

Friday, June 11, 2010

Adirondack Anticipation

This is the time of year when everything is moving in the Adirondack animal world. There are lots of things to see that don't happen any other time of year. Loons on the nest, snapping turtles laying eggs, lots and lots of little songbirds passing through. I've not been able to spend a lot of time shooting during mid-June. But this year I have the great pleasure of a weekend of wildlife photography with friend and wildlife shooter extraordinaire Eric Dresser. We've been talking about a photo trip with just the two of us for several years. Hopefully I'll have lots of fun stuff to look at after next weekend. If not, I'll be talking about how great it is just to be in the Adirondacks!

Thursday can't get here quickly enough...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Updated Image Gallery - FINALLY!

It's been more than three years since I updated the image gallery on my website. Spending all my time working on trying to get Adirondack Photography Institute off the ground. Lingering depression from the loss of my entire gallery exhibit in the "once in a thousand year" flood of a couple of years ago. Worries about changes in my artistic direction. Worries about changes in my life and livelihood. General laziness...

I decided a couple of months ago to regroup and get it done. And after many, many hours of work, here it is! There is still lots to do as far as organization and categorizing, but for now I thought it most important just to let the images live.

Moving on is tough, no matter the circumstances, but I am proud of where I've been and where I've arrived with my art. I hope you enjoy it too...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

On The Closing Of The Moose River Plains

I've been thinking about this all day. For those who don't know what "this" is you can see what I'm talking about by clicking here (if you have a Facebook account).

Anyone who knows me very well knows that when angry I have a hard time expressing myself without blurting out anything less than an unacceptable number of f-bombs. I'm trying to convince myself that this situation doesn't make me angry, without much luck.

I guess more than anything I'm sad. Sad that maybe I'll never watch my nieces jump rock to rock in Otter Brook. Sad that maybe I won't hear rumors about where the brook trout have magically reappeared and are starting to break water again. Sad that I may not get another chance to chase moose at Mitchell Ponds. Sad even that I may not see the Barnyard Refrigeration guy again at the League Club gate.

It #$&%-ing sucks...

A quote from Edward Abbey seems appropriate:

"One can imagine a sane, healthy, cheerful society based on no more than the principals of common sense, as validated each day by work, play, and living experience. But this remains the most utopian and fantastic of ideals."

I think that the good people congregated near the Inlet and Cedar River entrances to the M.R.R.A. probably have a way better idea how to utilize, manage, and respect the Plains than the State does.

Just sayin...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Always A Favorite

OK, so I think I'm done printing for my upcoming show in Blue Mountain Lake. Twenty all-new images!

Whenever I do a big printing spree, there's always one that just keeps grabbing me. On this occasion this is it...

Printed on Hahnemuhle William Turner 310 with my Epson 3800.

Layer after layer of haunting...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Adirondack Addicted

All of us

We miss

Raccoons eating Twinkies.

Beer on the deck at Matt’s.

Party boats
Adirondack chairs
Northeast attitudes.


The power to see
And be unseen.

All of us

Sometimes it seems so far away
As to be a loss like death.
Just as many tears
Even though no one has died.

Sometimes the sounds and smells
Seem so close as to be in the room
Though distant by a thousand miles.

But we are lucky
We can always come home
And have it all again
Even for a day.

Like a kid on a beach laughing
And throwing sand
Without a care.

(This piece owes its inspiration and most of its words to Meg Roy)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Excited About The New Exhibit!

Boathouse #30

Well, I did it... I finally sat down and chose the images for my upcoming exhibit at Adironack Lakes Center for the Arts, which will run July 20 thru August 21. I had been going back and forth over the last several months as to whether I should continue showing my documentary photos, or finally let a substantial collection of my personal expressions see the light of day. I've decided to push forward, and I'm really excited about my decision and my image choices.

Now for the printing...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bright Eyes

you came from my dream
very late to stand at my door
with your bright eyes
very real and wholly mythical

and in those waking moments
fragments all in a rush

jukebox matchmaker
feverish crayons
the angry spider
genocide perpetrated against clams
a boy in the circus
campfire perfume
a case of bad brakes
all the snacks in the mountains
a sadly heartbroken deer

so much from so short a time
the well i lower a bucket into
when i need to remember
how sweet life can be

(until we meet again...)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

To Be Always In The Flow

The Flow

It is when we leave the Flow
That we become separated from the Universal...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Observing Orchids at Cleveland Botanical Garden

Tulip #30

I had a great time teaching this weekend at Cleveland Botanical Garden during the Observing Orchids workshop! The workshop is planned to coincide with the Garden's annual Orchid Mania event, which is always a treat. This year we were given the opportunity to shoot in the glasshouse for a couple of hours prior to the Garden's opening to the public. There were some really beautiful images created by the participants this year.

Thanks to Jennifer at CBG for working with me to make this our best macro event so far!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Far Away Sun

Far Away Sun

What to do at a time when everything feels cold?

Things that once seemed reachable
Feel farther away then ever

Little known fact that the sun
Is nearest to Earth in the dead of winter
We wait and and the bright, warm days return

I hope both winter
And the disappointment