Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally A Real Fall Day

It's been windy and/or raining seemingly forever up here. Today was the first of what I would call a typical fall day in the Adirondacks. As the shooting conditions have been subpar for a long time, I was really excited to get up this morning and head out into the field.

The colors are pretty conspicuous now, and I've always wanted to spend some time working with the areas of the highway that were blasted out of rock way back when. There's some really interesting patterns in the rock, and usually some interesting little trees, bushes and that sort of thing that get really pretty in the fall. This spot reminds of the face of an old waterfall, for some reason.

I wanted an ethereal look, so an image overlay (Nikon users may enter here!) seemed appropriate.

Can't wait to see what it's like out there tomorrow...