Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I spent a lot of time early this morning sitting behind the Woods Inn on Fourth Lake. The lake was perfectly still in the blackness, with tons of stars overhead. The only sound was that of a single cricket, every once in awhile. No cars. No boats. No lawn mowers.

I found myself wondering whether that cricket was lonely. I most certainly was not...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How My Day Began

This is how my day began...

It was great fun being able to spend some time photographing with my friend Danielle, who was so kind as to bring her family up from Long Island to see my exhibit on its final day. Danielle has taken several of my company's photo workshops, and it's always been great having her around. She took the best spider web picture I've ever seen!

This full moon in the fog lasted about two minutes then disappeared. Adirondack mornings just don't get any better than this!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Changing Times And A Reminder

This morning showed the first subtle signs of the changing season. The absence of the more annoying bugs during my daily walk. The fragrances slightly different. A little chilly with the kind of sky that just says fall. Maybe I was just imagining it...

Just a reminder...

If you've not seen my exhibit in Blue Mt. Lake yet, please try and do so. There are only nine days left! And don't forget the reception taking place from 6-8 pm on Saturday, August 21. I'm really looking forward to catching up with some old friends and meeting some new ones. I will have posters with me and for sale. I'd be happy to sign one for you!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brief Intermission

Time to head out for a couple of days. Take care of a couple of things back home, load up my workshop box, get back here so fast I forget that I left.

I've seen and learned lots during this trip. I guess that never ends.

It amazes me that I'd be so subdued just thinking about leaving, even though I know I'll be back in a couple of days.

Last night's sky was so beautiful. The starts were uncountable even just back of the hotel, with its permament glow. I shot a few frames just for the memory. Next time I see a sky like this I'm going to head somewhere really dark! Then I'll try and get lost in the memories of the Adirondack skies of my childhood.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Taking the Show to Santa Fe

Just got some big news!

In addtion to my work for API, beginning in 2011 I will be leading workshops for Santa Fe Workshops! I'm really excited to bring new people to the Adirondacks, as well as present some of my ideas in Santa Fe.

Next year's offerings will be The Adirondacks in Color: The Intimate Image taking place in Inlet, NY, and Intimate Expression, which will take place in Santa Fe. Keep your eyes on the SFW calendar for the details.

I hope to see some of you at these events!

Night Shooting Fun

I haven't spent much time over the years doing night photography, although I've always enjoyed looking at other people's work. Well, this week I'm a participant in Mark Bowie's workshop for API, Photographing the Night Landscape, which is taking place in Inlet, NY. It's great to be shooting with everyone instead of worrying about all the little details of the workshop. I think I'll attend my company's workshops more often!

This is one of my images from the first evening in Raquette Lake. We had great conditions; few bugs, warm temperature, mostly clear sky. I'm so used to being on this bridge when it's a lot colder, this was like a trip to the beach.

All-in-all, it seems like everyone is having a great time! And I can't wait to keep working on my night photography as the seaason progresses...