Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Back in Time

I haven’t done any serious black & white since just after high school (Don’t ask!). I decided to explore simplicity as my retreat project a few weeks ago. In exploring the minimalist approach I think I learned a great deal.
I’m always looking at the sky above the treetops. But I’m not sure it ever occurred to me to make a photo project out of that habit. I began at Raquette Lake, which has visible shoreline all over the place.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Focusing on the Positive

Trees near Cary Lake

This not being the best of weeks, I decided to focus only on the positive and let the rest take care of itself. My reward was lots of time in the field, where I finally got the procedure down for a new technique (totally in-camera) that I am all jazzed-up about. It is time-consuming and difficult to execute, but I think the results are fantastic!