Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nice Drive on a Day Off

Sometimes you need a day off to refill the well. Today was a very leisurely drive to Lake Placid to visit my friends at Northwoods Inn, in preparation for next week's workshop with Adirondack Life. It was one of those soft light mornings, where all the sensations are a little diffuse. I stopped a couple times to try and capture the feeling. The level of subtle detail that the D800 is capable of just amazes me...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Here I Go Again

I can always count on Raquette Lake to get me going each year. This morning was the first in a while to exhibit "that chill". A nice morning to be out testing a new camera, working out the kinks in my process. There are lots of bears to be seen this year. Drought forces then into the open. Their presence this morning was evident by the number of dogs barking along a well-defined path.